If you worked in any of these countries, you could be due a Tax Refund

Your no-nonsense guide to Belgian tax refunds!

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Planning to move to Belgium? With so much to think about when making a move, taxes are probably low on your list of priorities!

However, if you plan on working while in Belgium, it's important to get a strong grasp of the local tax system. This could save you a lot of money and stress when you go to file your tax return in Belgium.

Belgian income tax rates are some of the highest in Europe. Even as a non-resident, your earnings may be subject to these high rates of income tax.

However, you'll be happy to hear that at the end of the tax year, it's very likely that you will be due a tax refund in Belgium. Simply use our Belgian tax calculator to see if you're owed tax back!

In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about Belgian tax refunds!

The basics of the Belgian tax system

The basics of the Belgian tax system

The Belgian tax year runs from January 1 to December 31 each year.

Many workers are entitled to claim a Belgian tax refund at the end of the tax year.

If you work there, your employer will deduct income tax and social security contributions from your salary each time you're paid.

The amount of income tax you pay will depend on a variety of factors, such as your earnings.

The Belgian Ministry of Finance has just published the annual index adjustments for the 2023 tax year (2024 assessment year). One of the essential updates includes the individual income tax brackets for 2023. Here are the standard brackets and rates in a straightforward format:

Tax Rates             Income
25% €0 -  €15,200 
40% €15,200 - €26,830
45% €26,830 - €46,440
50% Over €46,440


You pay income tax on earned income, income from self-employment, income on dividends, interest and more.

If you work in Belgium, you will be entitled to claim a tax free allowance (TFA). This will reduce the amount of tax you have to pay!

TFAs are subject to change each year! The tax free allowance is €9,270 (for 2022 income) and €10,160 for 2023 income.

Most taxpayers in Belgium, especially non-residents, may be entitled to a tax refund at the end of the tax year. You can apply for your Belgian tax refund after the end of the tax year - 31 January! Feel free to use our Belgium tax calculator for expats to find out how much tax you could be due back!

The average Belgian tax refund is €2,300!


How to determine your Belgian tax residency status

You are considered a non-resident in Belgium if you live there for less than 183 days and you have significant ties to your home country.

If you are a non-resident in Belgium, you will only pay tax on income derived directly from sources within Belgium.


Who can claim a Belgian tax refund?

You could be due a tax refund if:

  • You worked in Belgium for part of the year
  • Your annual income doesn't exceed the tax-free allowance.
  • Your overall income from Belgium is more than 75% of your annual income worldwide.
  • You are married
  • You have children

Your employer will issue you with a Loonfiche 281.10/ Fiche de Rémunération 281.10 at the end of the employment year. This is the official statement of your earnings and details the amount of income you earned and the tax you paid during the year.

You can of course apply for your Belgian tax refund yourself directly with the Belgian tax authorities. However, if you want to ensure you receive your maximum legal refund you should apply for your refund with Taxback. We will ensure you claim all of the tax deductions you're entitled to in Belgium.

We can claim your tax back on your behalf. We carry out a free no-obligations assessment to determine an estimate of how much tax you are owed. Use our Belgium tax calculator today!

Get your Belgian tax refund today!

Start now!

When can I apply for my Belgian tax refund?

If you are a Belgian resident, you can apply for your tax refund for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 tax years today!

We are currently filing returns for the 2021 and 2022 tax years for non-residents.

If you are a non-resident in Belgium, you can get in touch with us today in relation to your 2022 Belgian tax refund, we will begin processing your application and file your tax return on your behalf!

Belgian Tax Refunds for Seafarers

Sailing under the Belgian flag? The tax rules for Belgian sailors can be complicated and often seafarers overpay in tax.

Seafarers working in Belgium are typically taxed as a single taxpayer even if their family resides in their home country within the EU.

You could be entitled to a Belgian tax refund if:

  • You worked in Belgium during part of the calendar year
  • Your annual income is under the tax-free allowance
  • Your Belgian income is more than 75% of your annual worldwide income
  • Your spouse has low or no income
  • You have children under the age of 18

Taxback can review your individual circumstances and find out if you are owed a Belgian tax refund. As a Seafarer, you may be entitled to some allowances that will increase your Belgian tax refund.

Belgian Tax Refunds for Seafarers

Belgian Tax Refund for Students

If you are working in Belgium as a student, your earnings could be subject to tax of up to 50%. That's a lot!

However, you could be due a large tax refund at the end of the tax year, whether you have spent a summer working in Belgium or worked here while studying.

Have you got a large student loan and bills to pay? Your tax refund could go towards these expenses!

If you are a student who worked or is working there, you could be due a Belgian student tax refund if:

  • Your annual income is under the tax-free allowance
  • Your Belgian income is more than 75% of your annual worldwide income
  • You are registered as a full time student outside Belgium
  • You worked in Belgium for less than a year

The average Belgian tax refund is €2,300!


Belgian tax refunds for Couples

If you are married or in a legally registered partnership in Belgium, you can file a joint tax return!

You can also avail of a higher tax free allowance than single individuals. This means you can claim more tax back! Happy days!

If you have children, you can claim additional allowances depending on the number of children you have.

You may be due a tax refund if

  • Your children are under the age of 18
  • Your partner doesn't have high income or any at all

What is the average tax refund in Belgium?

What is the average tax refund in Belgium?

The average Belgian tax refund for Taxback customers is €2,300. However, the amount of tax you get back will depend on your own personal circumstances.
Factors that can determine the amount of tax you get back include:

  • How much you earned in Belgium
  • If you earned other money outside of Belgium
  • How long you worked for
  • If you have a spouse and/or children

Belgian tax refund applications can typically take up to 9 months to be processed. Don't delay, apply today!

Get your Belgian tax refund today!

Start now!

Get your Belgian tax refund! Average Belgian tax refund €2,300

What do I need in order to claim a Belgian tax refund?

In order to claim your tax refund you must submit a tax return in Belgium.

Taxback can do this on your behalf!

When applying for your Belgian tax refund with Taxback you will need

  • a copy of the Loonfiche 281.10/ Fiche de Rémunération 281.10
  • copies of Loonfiche 281/ Fiche de Rémunération 281, this shows any other type of income you have earned in Belgium (such as unemployment compensation).

However, if you have misplaced or haven't received these documents, we can track them down for you for a small fee!

Who can help me with my Belgian tax refund?

At Taxback, our qualified tax experts can help you apply to get your Belgian tax back!

We have been apllying for Belgian tax refunds since 1996 and we're really good at it! You won't have to worry about understanding Belgian tax code or figuring how much tax you're owed!

We will make sure you avail of every possible allowance and relief to maximise your tax refund!

Our tax experts at Taxback are happy to help you claim your tax refund today!

Why choose Taxback?

  • Live chat team available 24/7 to respond to your queries
  • No Refund, No fee! – We offer a free, no obligations estimation before you apply!
  • Average Belgian tax refund for our customers is €2,300
  • We transfer your refund straight into your bank account

The average Belgian tax refund is €2,300!



Who has to file a tax return in Belgium?

All residents of Belgium and non-residents taxed on Belgian-sourced income must file an annual returnBoth residents and non-residents in Belgium must file a tax return in order to claim a tax refund. If you have paid tax in Belgium, you could be due a tax refund.


Who can claim tax back from Belgium?

Anyone who has worked in Belgium and paid tax on their earnings can potentially claim a tax refund.


How much will my Belgian tax refund be?

The average Belgian tax refund that Taxback customers receive is €2,300. However, the tax refund you receive will depend on a number of factors including:

  • How much you earned while working in Belgium
  • Whether you earned other money outside of Belgium.
  • How long you worked in Belgium for
  • If you have a spouse and/or children


What do I need in order to claim my Belgian tax back?

When applying for your Belgian tax refund with Taxback you will need:

  • a copy of the Loonfiche 281.10/ Fiche de Rémunération 281.10
  • copies of Loonfiche 281/ Fiche de Rémunération 281, this shows any other type of income you have earned in Belgium like unemployment compensation.

If you never received or misplaced these documents don't worry! We can track them down for a small fee!


When is the deadline to file my Belgian tax return?

If you are a Belgian resident, the deadline to file your 2022 tax return was on 30 June (for paper tax returns) andis 15 July 2023 if you are filing electronically.

However, the minister of finance has agreed to extend the resident tax return filing deadline from July 15 to October 18, 2023.

If you're a non-resident, the deadline for filing your 2022 tax return is by 24 November 2023.



Can I claim my Belgian tax refund myself?

Yes, you can apply yourself directly with the Belgian tax authorities.

However, if you would like to enjoy a stress-free application process and guarantee that you receive your maximum refund amount, you should apply with Taxback.

We have been filing Belgian tax refunds since 1996 so we are really good at it!


Can you guarantee that I will receive the refund Taxback estimated for me?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee you will get the exact amount we have estimated. However, our estimation is based on the documents you provide us with, so it is usually very close!

At the end of the day the Belgian tax authority has the final say when it comes to the size of your refund!


How long will it take to receive my Belgian tax refund?

It can take on average 9 months to receive your Belgian tax refund. The sooner you apply, the sooner you get your refund!


Glossary of key tax terms

Tax refund

This is the money that Taxback will send directly into your bank account once your application has been processed.


Filing your Belgian tax return

In order to receive your Belgian tax refund you must file a tax return. This means filing the document that states your earnings taxes paid, deductible expenses and allowances.

The Belgian tax office will review this and determine if you're owed a tax refund.

Taxback can do this on your behalf, apply today!


Loonfiche 281.10/ Fiche de Rémunération 281.10

This is the Belgian annual statement of earnings that your employer will issue you at the end of the employment year.


Loonfiche 281/ Fiche de Rémunération 281

This is a statement that details any other types of income you earned in Belgium like unemployment compensation.


Tax free allowance

This is an amount of money you don't have to pay tax on which can reduce your tax bill!

About The Author

Kate Reville - Marketing Executive @ Taxback.com

Kate creates content for Taxback.com covering top tips to help our readers save on their tax bill! In her spare time, Kate likes travelling, cooking and watching Netflix!

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