If you worked in any of these countries, you could be due a Tax Refund

Affected by UK Tax Code Error? BBC Panorama want to talk to you!

#TaxTipsUK #TravelTipsUK

Following the weekends' breaking news, BBC Panorama are making a programme about people who have been affected by HMRC tax code errors, have subsequently underpaid tax and are now facing huge tax demands.

The programme will look at how and why so many incorrect tax codes were sent out in January, meet people who were affected, and try and identify groups who might be in for a shock now codes are finally correctly calculated and demands for payments have been sent out.

If you have been affected by this, BBC Panorama is extremely keen to speak with you.

As well as typical cases of people affected by the tax code errors, BBC Panorama are also interested in hearing of other more unusual or extreme cases of lives being affected by HMRC errors.

Anyone wishing to speak to BBC Panorama about this should contact taxback.com on panorama@taxback.com.
