If you worked in any of these countries, you could be due a Tax Refund

Tax Relief for Irish Coeliac Patients


Buying products suitable for coeliacs can be expensive.

What some coeliac patients may not know, however, is that they can claim tax relief on the cost of special dietary gluten- free products in Ireland.  

Here are some things you should know about tax relief for Coeliac patients.

How to avail of tax relief for Coeliacs

To avail of the tax relief, the first thing you need to do is to get a letter (a prescription will not suffice) from your doctor or GP confirming your coeliac diagnosis.

You should then keep the receipts for all gluten-free products that you’ve purchased.

Receipts from chemists/ pharmacies as well as from supermarkets are all acceptable. Remember, though, that tax relief cannot be claimed on naturally gluten- free products, they should be specially made dietary products.

An example of this would be rice as it naturally doesn’t contain gluten. So, you cannot make a claim for rice you may have bought. Gluten-free pasta, however, is fine.

How do I claim the relief?

When the time to claim your tax relief comes, you don’t need to accompany your claim with any receipts.

All you need to do is make sure that you hold receipts for all products you included in the claim; you should then keep the receipts for 6 years in case your claim is chosen for a verification.

We strongly advise you keep the receipts in a safe place and organise them to the best of your ability.

It can cause a problem with Revenue if you are chosen for an audit and you cannot provide evidence.

How much can I claim?

Tax relief can be claimed at 20% of your expenses incurred so making a claim is definitely worthwhile.

If you want to claim tax back on your coeliac food and any other medical expenses you may have incurred, we can help you.

Get your free Irish tax refund estimation here!

Can Taxback.com help?


When you apply for your tax back with Taxback.com, our team will conduct a thorough review of your tax profile - guaranteeing you avail of every single tax credit and relief you're entitled to. This ensures you will get your MAXIMUM legal tax refund!

In the process, we'll take care of all that boring tax stuff and send your money straight to your bank account, wherever you are in the world!

It really is that simple!

Still not convinced? Here are some more benefits of our tax service

  • 4 year tax review - we'll secure you your maximum tax refund (by the way, our average refund is €1,076)
  • money transferred straight to your bank account!
  • easy online process – no complicated forms
  • 24/7 live help who are here to answer all of your tax questions.

The average Irish tax refund is €1,880

