
Get prepared for your trip abroad

Smart Trip
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Jé - zapomněl(a) jste vyplnit některé informace a vyplnil(a) jste nesprávně své {[field_name]}. Opravte to prosím, abychom mohli pokračovat dál!

Jé - použil(a) jste nesprávný formát svého {[field_name]}. Zadejte své {[field_name]} v zobrazeném formátu, abychom mohli pokračovat dál!

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Get Prepared for your move abroad with Smart Trip!

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Heading overseas soon?

Smart trip pre-travel service icon

Heading abroad soon? Going to a new country can be pretty complicated and there's a lot to prepare before you go. To make things a bit easier, has developed Smart Trip – our pre-travel service that helps you sort out everything you need to start living and working abroad.

We'll make sure you're familiar with the tax requirements in your new country so there are no unexpected surprises! When you're leaving, we'll apply for a tax refund so you get back any tax you've overpaid.

Fill out our Smart Trip registration form to receive our free e-zines about living and working abroad, including all you need to know about taxes, payment documents and other important information.

What you'll get

  • A set of useful travel ezines packed full of information about the country to which you're going
  • Tax number and tax refund assistance - we'll make sure you get back everything you owed
  • Top travel tips to help you get the most out of your experience working abroad
  • Free Tax Tracker account so you can keep up to date with your tax refund application(s) when you're on the move.
  • Information on useful travel products such as our international moneycards.

Věděli jste, že poskytuje refundace ze 12 různých zemí?