
Ofrecemos el servicio de presentación
de la declaración de impuestos de EE.UU.
a un precio competitivo

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¡Ups! - Usó el formato incorrecto para su {[field_name]}. ¡Por favor, ingrese su {[field_name]} en el formato indicado para poder continuar!

Ups! - Haz utilizado símbolos en tu {[field_name]}. Por favor, ingresa tu {[field_name]} Solamente con letras que existan en inglés para ¡poder comenzar!

US Tax Return Registration





Nuestro Servicio

Happy man got his US tax refund

Whatever type of tax return you need filed, we can prepare it for you, ensuring full compliance with IRS. We have all the forms waiting for you and will do it all quickly and easily. We offer assistance with all the following:

  • US tax return preparation
  • FBAR - Foreign Bank Account Reports
  • FATCA - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

Prefer to talk to us?
Our US CPA can help with your queries