
Se hai intenzione di lavorare in Nuova Zelanda, hai bisogno di un numero Inland Revenue

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Richiesta di numero IRD

Tipo di registrazione*


Get Your Inland Revenue Department Number (IRD) Fast & Easy!

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Se hai intenzione di lavorare e guadagnare del denaro in Nuova Zelanda, hai bisogno di un numero IRD (Inland Revenue Department). Senza un numero IRD, al tuo reddito verranno applicate aliquote fiscali più alte.

Avrai bisogno di un numero IRD anche nel caso in cui tu voglia presentare la dichiarazione dei redditi o richiedere un rimborso delle tasse. Abbiamo fornito numeri IRD ad alcune persone che pur non vivendo in Nuova Zelanda, percepiscono annualmente redditi da locazione dal Paese.

Una volta che ricevi il tuo numero IRD lo potrai tenere per tutta la vita, tranne nel caso in cui dovessi dichiarare bancarotta, in quel caso ne verrà emesso uno nuovo. Non importa quante volte lascerai la Nuova Zelanda o vi ritornerai, potrai tenere lo stesso numero IRD

Noi della possiamo richiedere un numero IRD per tuo conto .

Ci occupiamo anche di rimborsi delle tasse dalla Nuova Zelanda

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Ci occupiamo di rimborsi delle tasse dal 1996

TAXBACK.COM Recensioni e riscontri

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    Overall, my experience with Taxback was satisfactory. The team was professional and provided assistance throughout the tax filing process. They were prompt in addressing my queries and ensured a smooth experience. I would consider using their services again in the future.

    17 May 2023

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    Great and easy service Zhivko is truly a very supportive and effective account executive. He answered all my enquires in a prompt and easy way. Thank you for all.

    11 May 2023

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    Wonderful service provided and very efficient

    25 April 2023

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    Such a great experience with Tax Back and my agent Tsvetomir! So efficient and quick to get back to me. And very happy with the amount I’m getting back!

    20 April 2023

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    Taxback team is really helpful, even on the chat. Very efficient

    02 April 2023

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    Dealt with Brian Couldn't asked for better. Very informative and replys fast Answers questions fast and to the point. Very great experience

    21 March 2023

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    Alexandra thank you for your amazing service the past few years. You go over and beyond assisting your clients. I will be back to chat in January 2024 for tax year 2023.

    14 March 2023

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    Thanks Alexandra Laza for your great effort to refund me my taxes for the last five years. You have done a great job to save my time and effort to get back those taxes. I really recommend her to get your taxback without any hassle.

    14 March 2023

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    Thank you for team for fast refund tax from the UK.

    13 March 2023

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    Thank you for your help

    13 March 2023

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    Great service !

    10 March 2023

  • Customer Avatar
    Alex looked after me , she was kind, helpful , professional, very quick , she has great patient, she sorted my tax back year before and this year also , always keep me updated which I really like . I can only recommend and all team members are great .

    09 March 2023

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